Advanced passive components in product library
Manufacturer of advanced passive components AVX has developed a new software product library for use with Agilent's Advanced Design System (ADS).
Leading manufacturer of advanced passive components AVX has developed a new software product library for use with Agilent's Advanced Design System (ADS). This enables customers to perform diagnostics on circuit designs before the manufacturing process, saving time and money. ADS is a powerful electronic design automation software tool that offers complete design integration to designers of RF products such as cellular and portable phones, pagers, wireless networks, and radar and satellite communication systems.
ADS features design links for RF architecture applications to generate complex, high-frequency systems and circuit designs faster.
'This library of AVX parts works in conjunction with Agilent's ADS software to assist design engineers and ultimately simplify and speed up the design process' said Larry Eisenberger, AVX senior field applications engineer.
With a complete set of simulation technologies ranging from frequency- and time-domain circuits to electromagnetic fields, ADS lets designers fully characterize and optimise designs.
The single, integrated design environment provides system and circuit simulators, along with schematic capture, layout, verification capability - eliminating the stops and starts associated with changing design tools mid-cycle.
AVX's ADS library includes 0402 to 1210 Accu-P capacitors, 0402 to 0805 Accu-L capacitors, 0402 and 0603 LGA couplers, 0603 and 0805 surface mount couplers, 0603 and 0805 low pass filters, and 0805 3dB couplers.