An innovative and future-leading series of modules for intrinsically safe circuits, an isolator series has two input channels; all standard analogue and digital signals are accommodated.
Paving a new direction in safety isolation, R Stahl has launched the IS isolator series, an innovative and future-leading series of modules for intrinsically safe circuits. The series consists of IS pac modules, together with two mounting options, IS pac bus and IS pac carrier, to form a solution for every installation. Each galvanically isolated, compact 17.6mm module has two input channels; all standard analogue and digital signals are accommodated.
Display and control elements, such as DIP switches, are on the front side with sufficient space for individual labeling.
A new feature of the IS pac are the removable terminals that allow modules to be exchanged while the system is in operation.
The isolators have integrated line error messaging systems that can be set up on an individual channel basis, or a collective messaging system can be implemented with the pac Bus or pac Carrier.
There are three ways the modules can be mounted in the control cabinet.
First, they can simply be snapped onto a DIN rail and wired individually for use.
For more mounting sophistication, Stahl provide two options.
The first is the IS pac bus, which consists of small plastic connectors which fit inside the DIN rail.
Any number of pac bus connectors can be assembled until the desired length is attained.
The pac modules then plug into the pac bus using the customary tilt-on procedure.
The advantage of the pac bus is that all the IS pac modules can be powered from a single input module that is mounted anywhere on the bus (a second input module can be added for redundancy) and line errors and power supply failures are relayed over floating contacts as collective messages.
A second mounting option provided by Stahl is the IS pac carrier.
With either 8 or 16 slots, the pac carrier provides the opportunity to house the IS pac modules and connect them to a control system via fieldbus modules or a HART multiplexer.
The pac carrier has, as standard features, a redundant and safety fuse-protected power supply as well as error messaging regarding the status of power interruptions and line errors.
It can snap onto a DIN rail or it can be screwed directly to a mounting plate.
The isolator series modules and mounting options are approved in accordance with ATEX and meet international requirements.
The series is designed for application in Zone 2, respectively Division 2, as well as for use in combustible dust-Ex circuits.
All units are vibration and shock tested, and operate in ambient temperatures ranging from -20degC to +70degC.
About Stahl - with an annual turnover of EUR 240 million and over 2,000 employees worldwide, the R.